We have some very exciting news to share – and a quick 5-10 minute favour to ask!
After 4 years of hard work from our voluntary board, the planning proposal for the first Crystal Palace Community Land Trust development, at “The Lawns” has gone live !
We now have until 22nd September to gather support, so our timings are a little tight. We’d love you to make a supportive comment if you are comfortable doing so. It can really help. You will have your own thoughts and opinions – but we have some suggestions below that may be helpful. To carry weight, comments must relate to planning matters.
We believe it’s a great proposal because of these points:
We all know London is getting more and expensive. We are planning on offering these homes at below 70% of market value. We are not developers working for a profit. ALL surplus from the community land trust project will be returned to the land trust to sustain existing projects and initiate new ones – including the sale of the properties.
We are committed to building sustainable and affordable homes. The new homes will be built to high environmental standards to reduce the impact on the planet. This will make them easier to heat in winter and to keep cool in summer, helping to reduce energy bills for residents.
We have worked closely with the community over a 4 year period and developed the design together, listening to feedback to come up with an exciting proposal that brings :
• 7 genuinely affordable homes
• An improved and enlarged turning head with 7x car parking spaces
• A landscaped green area which promotes biodiversity
• 1 wheelchair adaptable home
Click the link below to read the proposal.The “Design and Access Statement” is the most useful summary document and section 9 pg 27 shows the architectural proposal.
. Then click “Make a comment” when you’re ready.
The deadline is 22nd September, but it would be helpful if we can get in some supportive comments as soon as possible to get momentum going. Just takes 5-10 minutes. This is a genuinely ground-breaking project. Land trusts can dramatically change how we deliver our housing. Your support can help make that change a reality. Also please do share the link or this email with any friends and neighbours you think would like to support or to know more.
Very best for now for and thanks for taking the time to support Crystal Palace Community Land Trust !
Click on this link to read full proposal and make a comment