Crystal Palace Community Land Trust aims to steward land to provide affordable homes, workspace and other community assets, building local resilience and sustainability.
We are part of Crystal Palace Transition Town, a community led response to the climate emergency. As well as the CLT, the transition town runs other projects to reduce our carbon footprint and build community resilience.
We are being supported by London’s Community-led Housing Hub, and we’re a member of the National CLT Network.
Check out our recently updated Frequently Asked Questions About The Lawns
What is a CLT?
We are owned, controlled and led by our members, who all live or work in the local community.
We aim to buy land and buildings, and develop new homes and other assets that the local area needs.
We will use our assets for the wellbeing of the community, e.g. affordable homes.

How we work
Anybody who lives or works in Crystal Palace and the surrounding area can become a member for £1. Our members ultimately own and control what we do.
Our members elected a Board, which runs the business of the CLT and sets up sub committees for particular areas of work. One current sub committee is a Project Board for our project on The Lawns.
We are a Community Benefit Society, registered with the Financial Conduct Authority with society number 8184. You can see our entry in the FCA Mutuals Register for more info, and read how we are governed,