Crystal Palace CLT is delighted to announce the winning entrant in our competition to design a logo for our housing project on The Lawns.

We invited Year 6 pupils in All Saints Primary School, near the site on The Lawns, to come up with logo designs. After we introduced the pupils to our project and Community Land Trusts in January, teachers worked with pupils on an amazing array of entrants shown in full below.

We put the entrants to judges Anna Jacobs (Crystal Palace Artists Open House), Margaret Adjaye (Upper Norwood Library Hub) and Stephen Mann (ward councillor). They said:

We were impressed by the work presented to us by All Saints. It is clear that they are a very talented bunch of students and we hope that they will really excel in their creativity in the years to come!

Everyone involved with Crystal Palace CLT is hugely grateful to Mrs Copeland, Ms Hyde and Ms Boaten-Wilhelm at All Saints for their support and enthusiasm for this project!

Local designer Matthew Hoare has kindly digitised the winner and runner-up, so we can use them on our website, publicity materials and on the site when we start any gardening, put up hoardings, etc.

The winners

The judges picked the following three logos as their top three. Bianca Moreno – the pupil who came first – won a £30 voucher for local shop Bookseller Crow; second and third places both received £10 vouchers

The judges comments:

The Winner

We found this a very strong entrant. Featuring the Crystal Palace Triangle, housing and a nod to the environmental focus of the project. It was the only entrant to reference the site but does so in a way which could be interchangeable for other schemes. We also really liked the choice of colours which could really be drawn out as part of a logo.

2nd Place

We really liked this entrant as it spoke greatly about the Crystal Palace community. It was heartening to see even in Year 6 children feeling part of something bigger, and special, in our community. We found it a hard choice between this and the eventual winner and have recommended that the CLT use this as a supporting logo for community engagement activity

3rd place

We liked the real mix of colour , housing and the triangle on this entrant

Gallery of all entrants